Plural Sax

Sax Quartets

April is my Mistress' Face

Thomas Morley, arr. Ben Tordoff


Morley contributed significantly to the development of the English madrigal, imitated from Italian models. He was probably a pupil of William Byrd, and under his influence wrote music for the liturgy of the Church of England, service settings, psalm settings and a number of Latin motets. Well known madrigals by Morley include 'My Bonny Lass She Smyleth', 'Now is the Month of Maying', and 'April is in my Mistress Face'. 

The words of this short madrigal are:

April is in my mistress face
And July in her eyes hath place
Within her bosom is September
But in her heart is cold December

 Score Parts
© 2006 Ben Tordoff

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